Beast And Butt Rub Burgers

My Beast And Butt Rub Burgers are a Cajun take on an American Diner Classic: The Cheeseburger!



Adjust Servings
1 - Pound Lean Ground Meat Use local grass fed beef if available.
1 - Egg
2 - Tablespoons Worcestershire Sauce
1 - Tablespoon Garlic Powder
2 - Tablespoons Beast & Butt Rub™
1 - Tablespoon Kosher Salt
1/4 - Cup Unseasoned Bread Crumbs


Step 1 -
Adding All Dry Ingredients - Add the Beast & Butt Rub, Salt, Bread crumbs and Garlic powder to a large mixing bowl and stir with a whisk or fork to combine.
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Step 2 -
Combine Wet Ingredients - Combine the egg and Worcestershire sauce in a deep bowl and whisk or fork fluff together until combined.
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Step 3 -
Form The Burgers - Mix your dry ingredients, wet ingredients and ground meat all together using your hands. With your hands, cull 1/2 pound of the beef mixture together and roll between you palms into a ball then flatten the ball into a 1/2" think patty and lay on parchment paper.
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Step 4 -
Preheat The Griddle - Preheat your griddle so that the surface is 400-425 degrees approximately medium high heat.
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Step 5 -
Grease the griddle - Using olive oil, butter or lard, apply enough grease to coat your griddle surface where the burgers will cook. Wait 30-40 seconds depending on what you've used for grease (max of 30 seconds for butter as butter will start to burn).
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Step 6 -
Sear the Burgers - Place your Burgers on the pre-heated, greased griddle and cook for 2 minutes on the first side. Using a spatula flip the burgers and grill for 2 more minutes.
At this point on the second flip, you will add whatever cheese to begin to melt. If you want to melt the cheese faster, place a dome or a stainless steel mixing bowl over the burger patty. Why Use a Metal Dome? It holds heat well, and ensures even, quick, and perfect melting every time. The dome is not only super for melting cheese on a cheeseburger, but for keeping it warm if not serving immediately.
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